On May 19, 2022, the Head Librarian Dr. Lian Ruan joined a panel discussion for the 2022 CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Conference, entitled “The Well-Being of Chinese American Librarians”. Diane Richardson gave a presentation entitled “Interagency Cooperation: Children’s Fire Safety Literacy Reading and Discussion Program Initiatives at the Illinois Fire Service Institute” (ALA American Rescue Plan: Humanities Grants for Libraries award, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) ) at the conference.
On July 22, 2021, Dr. Lian Ruan, David Ehrenhart, Diane Richardson, and Shuyi Liu presented at the American Library Association International Relations Round Table (ALA IRRT) Pre-Conference on the topic “Libraries Adapting to the COVID World: The Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) Library Practice”.
In May 2021, Dr. Lian Ruan made a pre-recorded poster presentation on the topic “International Outreach Services at Illinois State Fire Academy Library” at the Medical Library Association (MLA) ’21 vConference from May 10-27, 2021.
On October 20, 2020, Head Librarian and CALA Executive Director Dr. Lian Ruan was invited to make a pre-recorded presentation entitled “Research Collaboration on DH: A Publishing of Special Issue of Library Trends” at the China DH 2020 (Shanghai) Conference in the "Construction and Service of Collection Resources from the Perspective of Digital Humanities" Sub-forum, organized by the Shanghai Library.
In October 2020, Head Librarian Dr. Lian Ruan and Shuyi Liu attended the virtual conference of 2020 Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF), organized by the Shanghai Library.
In May 2020, Head Librarian Dr. Lian Ruan, Shuyi Liu, and Dr. Xingye Du submitted a poster and a short paper entitled “Research Collaboration on DH: A Publishing of a Special Issue of Library Trends” to the conference DH 2020 (Shanghai) -- Benevolence and Excellence: Digital Humanities and Chinese Culture, and the poster and paper were accepted. The short paper will be included in the conference proceedings and will be available in the CNKI database. Head Librarian Dr. Lian Ruan was invited to give a pre-recorded online presentation.
On May 11, 2020, Dr. Lian Ruan and Shuyi Liu presented at the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Midwest Chapter Professional Development Virtual Conference on the topic “Developing the International Library Community in the Digital Age through Collaboration and Partnership”.