Leadership Development and Decision Making

Leadership Development and Decision Making

Program Description

If you are a fire service leader who is willing to embrace the challenge of personal and professional development the Leadership Development and Decision Making (LDDM) Program is for you. The LDDM Program provides a one of a kind training experience. LDDM instructors introduce each topic with foundation material and then through a Socratic teaching style immerse the students in the topic through highly interactive small group discussions, ethical and moral discussion groups/decision games, tactical decision games, sand table exercises/discussions, and practical application exercises. Through the Socratic teaching style the instructor facilitates interaction and challenges each of the students to reach outside of their comfort zone through discovery learning, rather than the classic lecture and direction format.

 The LDDM Program is designed to be “cradle-to-grave” fire service leadership development/decision-making training and education continuum that has consistent themes, priorities, and lines of education in order to institutionalize the highest-quality leadership in the fire service. Training is provided for three standard fire service levels; firefighter, fire officer and chief officer. Each level within the LDDM Program is provided relevant opportunities for development, which are specific to their rank across seven common Lines of Education (LOE)

Lines of Education:

1)            Leadership and followership

2)            History and traditions

3)            Communications

4)            Morals and ethics

5)            Professional development/tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)

6)            Decision-making and thinking critically

7)            Command climate and culture


If you are willing to participate in a challenging training and development program the Leadership Development and Decision Making Program is for you.


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