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This course is a provocative and moving presentation by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, through the Everyone Goes Home® Program, that is designed to change the culture of accepting the loss of firefighters as a normal occurrence.

Building on the untold story of line of duty death survivors, it reveals how family members must live with the consequences of a firefighter death. This presentation provides a focus on the need for firefighters and officers to change fundamental attitudes and behaviors in order to prevent line of duty deaths. The central theme promotes the courage to do the right thing in order to protect yourself and other firefighters and ensure that “Everyone Goes Home” at the end of the day.

Firefighters must have the courage to face a multitude of risks in order to save lives and protect their communities. Their courage allows them to willingly risk their own lives so that others can be saved. A different type of courage is required to stay safe in potentially dangerous situations, avoiding needless risks and tragic

The program promotes the courage to do the right thing in order to protect firefighters from illness, injury or Line of Duty Death So that Everyone Goes Home®. The presentation examines Line of Duty Deaths both at the state and national level.

In addition, it conveys the untold story of LODD survivors in an attempt to expose the participants to a significant emotional event to promote change and provide them the insight and tools to embark upon change.

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