This course provides to those who are or will be operating
as a member of a hospital decontamination team, the basic skills needed to safely and effectively decontaminate individuals who arrive at the hospital after being contaminated with a hazardous material. The objectives of the course are to teach participants: basic hazards and risk-assessment techniques for Hazmat and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) environments; selecting and using proper personal protective equipment provided to the first receiver; an understanding of the types of CBRNE and weapon of mass destruction (WMD) events that may be presented to the first responder; implementation of basic decontamination procedures relevant to the hospital setting; and an understanding of standard operating guidelines and termination procedures.
There are no prerequisites to taking this course
If you have specific questions about this course contact CHRISTOPHER DOWNEY
If you are interested in having this course taught in your area, contact CHRISTOPHER DOWNEY or your regional representative.
Click on the city name for more details and registration options
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