CRR is not a new concept for the fire service. For years fire departments have been involved in some form of community risk reduction through building inspections and public education since they were first organized in the U.S. But this concept needs to be applied in a focused manner, and truly integrated into the mission of the fire department. The process of CRR often unfolds in a predictable sequence of: (1) identifying fire risks at the operational level (preferably by fire station response area); (2) prioritizing the risks to be addressed, and (3) coordinating elements of emergency response with preventive tactics that mitigate risks. Applying CRR affords U.S. fire service agencies the opportunity, through a systematic approach, to proactively manage the risks within their communities.
There are no prerequisites to taking this course
If you have specific questions about this course contact JOHN HIGH
If you are interested in having this course taught in your area, contact JOHN HIGH or your regional representative.
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