This class is being designed to bring operations level information to Illinois emergency first responders in the area of large animal rescue. Responders include but are not limited to members for fire, police, EMS, sheriff departments, DNR and Forest Preserve Officers. Large animals will include but are not limited to horses, cows, pigs, sheep, lamas and alpacas; however the horse and cow will be used as the teaching model. The course will cover the following subjects: classroom review of L.A.R.A. information, Animal haltering drills, and basic rescue drags drills, rescue glide drills, trailer safety inspections, simple vertical lifts drills, and mud rescue drills. The information and techniques learned are then applied to a full scale response scenario.
There are no prerequisites to taking this course
If you have specific questions about this course contact DAVID NEWCOMB
If you are interested in having this course taught in your area, contact DAVID NEWCOMB or your regional representative.
Click on the city name for more details and registration options
No upcoming classes.